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5NMSG3AB4AH3389592010 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IN)
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5NMSG3AB6AH3765952010 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NMSG3AB6AH4012842010 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IA)
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5NMSG3AB8AH3851222010 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NMSHDAG0AH3343392010 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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5NMSHDAG8AH3552312010 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NMSK3AB2AH3594532010 Hyundai Santa FeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NMSK3AB7AH3577292010 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NMSK3ABXAH3934292010 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NMSK4AG8AH3413292010 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NPDH4AE0DH2767472013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE0DH3855332013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE0FH5897222015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE0FH6084012015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE0FH6105052015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPDH4AE0FH6167082015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPDH4AE1DH2174162013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
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5NPDH4AE1DH3140792013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE1FH6108052015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE1FH6113242015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPDH4AE1FH6138822015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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5NPDH4AE1FH6179332015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
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5NPDH4AE2DH2458102013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
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5NPDH4AE2DH2621542013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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5NPDH4AE2DH2703182013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
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5NPDH4AE2FH5779442015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE2FH6063092015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE2FH6139722015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE2FH6142642015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE2FH6175702015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE3DH3501002013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE3FH6050102015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE3FH6139642015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPDH4AE3FH6152932015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE3FH6157322015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE3FH6209802015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE3FH6222612015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE4DH2289132013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE4DH2310832013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE4FH5756282015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE4FH6045762015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE4FH6153042015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE4FH6173302015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE4FH6187672015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE5DH1928582013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE5FH5697422015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE5FH5907192015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE5FH6179352015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE5FH6202702015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE6CH0558802012 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE6DH2515142013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE6DH3392192013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE6FH6104442015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE6FH6139742015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE6FH6153222015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE6FH6214272015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE7DH2427732013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE7FH6139832015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE7FH6201252015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE8DH3263262013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
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5NPDH4AE8FH6055842015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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5NPDH4AE8FH6149332015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPDH4AE8FH6152872015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPDH4AE8FH6173632015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
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5NPDH4AE9DH3535042013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE9FH6030182015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE9FH6089772015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE9FH6200932015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AE9FH6207872015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPDH4AEXCH0819472012 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NPDH4AEXDH1648002013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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5NPDH4AEXDH3886032013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NV)
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5NPDH4AEXFH6169432015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPDH4AEXFH6191012015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
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5NPDH4AEXFH6202472015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AA0FH1349062015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AA0FH1500852015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AA2FH1260012015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AA2FH1338682015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AA5FH1372352015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AA6FH1271832015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AA8FH1129582015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AA9FH1166772015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AAXFH1338132015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AAXFH1389462015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AAXFH1393702015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AAXFH1474052015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE24AF0FH0192172015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF0FH1416902015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF0FH1430492015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE24AF0FH1431472015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE24AF1FH0621902015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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5NPE24AF1FH1087012015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF1FH1523572015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF1FH1560672015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF2FH0056262015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
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5NPE24AF2FH0833412015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF2FH1415002015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF2FH1420162015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF2FH1564172015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE24AF3FH0217372015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
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5NPE24AF3FH0251252015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
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5NPE24AF3FH0953842015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
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5NPE24AF3FH1444712015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE24AF4FH1430852015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE24AF4FH1461812015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF4FH1467012015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF5FH1389292015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF5FH1497222015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE24AF6FH1468762015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE24AF6FH1473162015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF6FH1492582015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE24AF6FH1495492015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE24AF7FH1433072015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE24AF7FH1507572015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE24AF7FH1565122015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF8FH0878012015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF8FH0885132015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF8FH1431232015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF8FH1459722015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE24AF9FH0007772015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF9FH0112932015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF9FH0864292015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF9FH1427422015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AF9FH1430822015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AFXFH0260452015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AFXFH0446882015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE24AFXFH1495402015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE34AB0FH1050412015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE34AB0FH1123002015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB0FH1276712015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB0FH1438992015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB0FH1439522015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB0FH1445212015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB0FH1482002015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB0FH1483122015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB1FH0999622015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB1FH1279062015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB2FH0927762015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB2FH1178542015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB2FH1342512015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB3FH0843772015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB3FH1022292015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB3FH1301922015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB4FH0798662015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB4FH1012182015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB4FH1285502015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE34AB4FH1373002015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPE34AB5FH1374662015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB5FH1377602015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB5FH1432352015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB5FH1554032015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB6FH0888132015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB6FH1396152015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB6FH1403302015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB6FH1415572015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB6FH1448462015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB6FH1452052015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB7FH1025422015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB7FH1150812015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB7FH1351532015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB7FH1385992015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB7FH1400312015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB7FH1426052015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB7FH1465872015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB8FH1337492015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB8FH1344812015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB8FH1423232015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB8FH1439392015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB9FH1044682015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB9FH1134282015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB9FH1154712015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB9FH1288182015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB9FH1300352015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB9FH1382502015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AB9FH1441622015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34ABXFH0569812015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34ABXFH1094842015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34ABXFH1390662015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF0FH0614472015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF0FH0850982015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF0FH1241572015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF0FH1320332015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF1FH0439132015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF1FH0596912015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF1FH0642922015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF1FH0990602015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF1FH1316972015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF2FH0449082015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF2FH0792232015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF2FH0822182015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF2FH0987742015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF2FH1298452015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF2FH1433422015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF3FH0174122015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF3FH0515752015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF3FH0902292015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF3FH1131532015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF3FH1351222015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF3FH1372742015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF3FH1375512015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF3FH1409352015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF4FH0177572015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF4FH1246152015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF4FH1390962015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF5FH0163262015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF5FH0366252015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF5FH0545572015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF5FH0616682015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF5FH0623832015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF5FH0960952015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF5FH1072082015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF5FH1195532015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF5FH1392982015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF6FH0512772015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF6FH0574832015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF6FH0628622015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF6FH0637192015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF6FH0811672015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF6FH1174382015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF6FH1334622015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF6FH1379162015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF6FH1429542015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF7FH0457322015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF7FH0984462015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF7FH1027402015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF7FH1304902015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF7FH1319772015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF7FH1360012015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF8FH0429222015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF8FH0527712015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF8FH0893662015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF8FH1329302015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF8FH1351502015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF8FH1369622015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF8FH1379512015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF8FH1397812015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF9FH0288832015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF9FH0530722015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF9FH0856202015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF9FH0900422015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF9FH1126372015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF9FH1137412015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AF9FH1371172015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AFXFH0452072015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AFXFH0604972015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AFXFH0870052015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AFXFH0889632015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AFXFH1073962015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AFXFH1151572015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AFXFH1404632015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPE34AFXFH1517682015 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC0BH0198782011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC0DH6005742013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC0DH6530642013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC0DH7518832013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC1BH0478522011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC1DH5074962013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC2CH4839522012 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC2DH6747112013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC2DH7631932013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC2DH7749372013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC4BH2162452011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC4BH2347282011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC4DH6951722013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC5BH1490252011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC5CH3720192012 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC5DH6935442013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: UT)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC6DH6174442013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC7BH2897692011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC7CH3653632012 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC7CH4983512012 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC7DH7773332013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC9CH4612052012 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: UT)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC9DH6265262013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEB4AC9DH6863992013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4AB7BH1750332011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4AB8CH5998382012 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4AB8CH8765362012 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4AB9DH5884282013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NM)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4AC0BH1374092011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4AC2CH4377282012 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4AC2DH7068312013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4AC3DH5600832013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4AC4BH2612462011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4AC4DH6820772013 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4AC6BH1663472011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4AC7BH0392832011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4AC9CH4994962012 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CO)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEC4ACXCH4994912012 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC1AH5884132010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC2AH5851162010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC2AH6395012010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TN)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC3AH5985852010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MN)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC3AH6118362010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC4AH5868962010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC4AH6029042010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC4AH6295222010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC4AH6346722010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC6AH6235132010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC6AH6263942010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC9AH5863752010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC9AH5911722010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC9AH6036892010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4AC9AH6367432010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET4ACXAH6122382010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: UT)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU4AC1AH6588762010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU4AF0AH5765662010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU4AF2AH6049482010 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZG3AB9CG1025282012 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZH4AG1BG0212142011 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZK4AG1BG0664452011 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZT3LB1FG2580742015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZU3LB3FG2558842015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZU3LB5FG2578462015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZU3LB7DG0056572013 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZUDLA9FG2524362015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZUDLB5FG2522782015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZUDLB7FG2548082015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZW4LA2FG2512832015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZW4LA3FG2511012015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZW4LA8FG2356682015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZW4LA9FG2555252015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZWDLA5FG2623262015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JN12D65U1675522005 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JT3AB0CU4208502012 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JT3AB3BU2472742011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JT3AB4BU2315702011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JT3AB9CU3906832012 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JT3AC3AU0971562010 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JT3AC7AU0754182010 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CT)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JT3AFXFU0257582015 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JT3AFXFU9651402015 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3AC0BU1987492011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3AC4CU4853212012 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3AC8BU2885682011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3AG3FU0036862015 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3AG7FU0043242015 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3AG7FU0302132015 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3AG9FU0123272015 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JUCAC7AU0533352010 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JUCAC9DU7385852013 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JUCAG5FU9865472015 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8NU4CC7AU1117072010 Hyundai VeracruzOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8NU4CC8AU1355292010 Hyundai VeracruzOnline sale record found in 2013 (Location: WI)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC13E05U9690802005 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC13E65U8679312005 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC73D25U8775272005 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IN)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC73D55U9197372005 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC73DX5U8904142005 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SMDHF0FU0893532015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SMDHF1FU1025152015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SMDHF3FU1025332015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SRDHF5FU0939032015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SRDHF5FU0967052015 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM3AC3AU1617182010 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM3AC4AU1499032010 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM3AC4AU1796932010 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM3AC8AU1839732010 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM3AC9AU1525542010 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM4BC3AU4584132010 Hyundai AccentOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCN4AC0AU4886592010 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCN4AC3AU5015962010 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: UT)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCN4AC9BU6044122011 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MD)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCT4AE5DU3584702013 Hyundai AccentOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: ND)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCT4AEXDU3758012013 Hyundai AccentOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCT5AE1CU0214612012 Hyundai AccentOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCT5AE5CU0482572012 Hyundai AccentOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCT5AE6CU0161262012 Hyundai AccentOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WI)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCU4AE8DU4630642013 Hyundai AccentOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCU5AE1CU0246332012 Hyundai AccentOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LE8DU0233072013 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LE9DU0419002013 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: UT)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LH0FU2402512015 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LH2FU2366712015 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LH4FU2418552015 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LH4FU2418862015 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LH5FU2385582015 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LH5FU2410722015 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LH5FU2418642015 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LHXFU2357052015 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LHXFU2358652015 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDC8AE6BU1189492011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA TOURINGOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: HI)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDC8AE7AU0585822010 Hyundai Elantra TouringOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDC8AE7BU1243102011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA TOURINGOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE0CU1889582012 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE0FU2539092015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE0FU3584202015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE0FU3879482015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE1FU4120162015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE2FU2522272015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE2FU2647032015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE2FU3297612015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE3BU0964352011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE3BU1508482011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE3FU2515102015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE3FU3736382015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE4CU3314882012 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE4FU2549512015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE4FU3582122015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE4FU3610002015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE5FU3703702015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE6FU2274272015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE6FU2651092015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
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KMHDH4AE6FU2662582015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
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KMHDH4AE6FU3818012015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHDH4AE7FU2487102015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHDH4AE7FU3577342015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHDH4AE7FU3594042015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHDH4AE8DU9837912013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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KMHDH4AE8FU3577882015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
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KMHDH4AE9FU4114712015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHDH4AEXFU2554562015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
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KMHDH4AEXFU2657582015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
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KMHDH4AEXFU3041232015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
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KMHDH4AEXFU3233352015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
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KMHDH4AH3FU3425312015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHDH4AH3FU3474852015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
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KMHDH4AH9FU3474742015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
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KMHDH4AH9FU3581972015 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHDH6AE0DU0224672013 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
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KMHDU4AD0AU0149712010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHDU4AD0AU1675302010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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KMHDU4AD0AU1717552010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHDU4AD0AU8476542010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
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KMHDU4AD1AU1244922010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: UT)
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KMHDU4AD2AU1368932010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHDU4AD2AU1482832010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MN)
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KMHDU4AD2AU1899342010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHDU4AD3AU1337272010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHDU4AD3AU1943962010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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KMHDU4AD4AU8280412010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: ME)
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KMHDU4AD7AU0236662010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
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KMHDU4AD7AU0682212010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
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KMHDU4AD7AU8599772010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MA)
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KMHDU4AD7AU9423112010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
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KMHDU4AD8AU0203552010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHDU4AD8AU8659482010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHDU4AD8AU9411522010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: KY)
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KMHDU4AD9AU0810212010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
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KMHDU4AD9AU8341912010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHDU4AD9AU9445002010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHDU4ADXAU8831902010 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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KMHEC4A41FA1225162015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHEC4A41FA1294032015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHEC4A42FA1271912015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHEC4A43FA1203462015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHEC4A44FA1235322015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
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KMHEC4A45FA1251272015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHEC4A46FA1211042015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
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KMHEC4A46FA1225582015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHEC4A46FA1227682015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHEC4A46FA1256852015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHEC4A46FA1280052015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHEC4A47FA1245282015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OR)
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KMHEC4A48FA1250902015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHEC4A49DA0908782013 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MI)
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KMHEC4A49FA1251462015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHEC4A49FA1253422015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHEC4A4XFA1302912015 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
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KMHFC4DF2AA4594782010 Hyundai AzeraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
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KMHGC4DD7DU2252592013 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: ND)
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KMHGC4DD9CU1933502012 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: ID)
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KMHGC4DE2AU0810572010 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
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KMHGC4DE7BU1431962011 HYUNDAI GENESISOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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KMHGC4DEXBU1152322011 HYUNDAI GENESISOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MD)
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KMHGC4DF0AU1097852010 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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KMHGC4DF1AU1096342010 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
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KMHGH4JH3FU0921722015 Hyundai EquusOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHGN4JE2FU0379372015 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHGN4JE2FU0472852015 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHGN4JE2FU0511912015 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHGN4JE4FU0552572015 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHGN4JE4FU0620772015 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NH)
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KMHGN4JE5FU0289422015 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHGN4JE5FU0461152015 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
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KMHGN4JE8FU0273642015 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: LA)
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KMHGN4JE9FU0545082015 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHGN4JF9FU0211142014 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHHT6KD2AU0234612010 HYUNDAI GENESIS COUPEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: LA)
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KMHHT6KD3AU0239372010 HYUNDAI GENESIS COUPEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHHT6KD3AU0376132010 HYUNDAI GENESIS COUPEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: UT)
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KMHHT6KD4AU0355802010 HYUNDAI GENESIS COUPEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHHT6KD9AU0383622010 HYUNDAI GENESIS COUPEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MN)
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KMHHT6KDXBU0433932011 HYUNDAI GENESIS COUPEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MD)
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KMHHU6KH3AU0068632010 HYUNDAI GENESIS COUPEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
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KMHHU6KH3AU0235482010 HYUNDAI GENESIS COUPEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
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KMHHU6KJ1FU1236912015 Hyundai Genesis CoupeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHHU6KJ6FU1249032015 Hyundai Genesis CoupeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHHU6KJ8FU1226352015 Hyundai Genesis CoupeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHTC6AD3DU1135082013 Hyundai VelosterOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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KMHTC6AD7FU2359062015 Hyundai VelosterOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
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KMHTC6AD8FU2191782015 Hyundai VelosterOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHTC6AD9DU0876882013 Hyundai VelosterOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: UT)
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KMHTC6AD9FU2354992015 Hyundai VelosterOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
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KMHTC6ADXFU2204002015 Hyundai VelosterOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
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KMHTC6AE3FU2343422015 Hyundai VelosterOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
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KMHTC6AE8FU2345632015 Hyundai VelosterOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHTC6AEXFU2292662015 Hyundai VelosterOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHWF25S05A1789072005 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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09-4417 19-4441 29-4429 39-4435 49-4411 59-4438 69-4425 79-4435 89-4404 99-4425

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