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5NMSG13D09H3194532009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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5NMSG13D19H3025332009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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5NMSG13D39H3189132009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NMSG13D49H2452612009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NMSG13D49H2477232009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NMSG13D49H3086482009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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5NMSG13D59H2659242009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
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5NMSG13D69H2707442009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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5NMSG13DX9H2476312009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NMSG13DX9H2870002009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NMSG13E59H2579282009 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MI)
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5NMSG73D29H2536362009 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NMSG73D39H2449282009 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NMSG73D49H2375522009 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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5NMSG73D69H2860732009 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NMSH13E09H2690002009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NMSH13E09H2764642009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NMSH13E49H2363102009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NMSH13E49H2464022009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IN)
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5NMSH13E49H2961352009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
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5NMSH13E59H3308432009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
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5NMSH13E59H3327232009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NMSH13E79H3046782009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: KS)
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5NMSH13E89H2359192009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: UT)
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5NMSH13E89H2372962009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NMSH73E19H2366722009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WI)
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5NMSH73E19H2642622009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IN)
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5NMSH73E19H2945722009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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5NMSH73E29H2558282009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: ID)
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5NMSH73E39H3319762009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NMSH73E49H2868232009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NMSH73E69H2726162009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
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5NMSH73E99H3001652009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MT)
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5NMSH73EX9H2957052009 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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5NPDH4AE0BH0762992011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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5NPDH4AE1BH0275952011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: VA)
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5NPDH4AE1BH0599782011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPDH4AE2BH0543362011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPDH4AE3BH0224322011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPDH4AE3BH0266092011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
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5NPDH4AE3BH0518342011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
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5NPDH4AE3EH5337422014 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
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5NPDH4AE4BH0038082011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CO)
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5NPDH4AE7BH0238882011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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5NPDH4AE8BH0337512011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPDH4AEXBH0222172011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
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5NPDH4AEXBH0437942011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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5NPEB4AC0BH2155762011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: KY)
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5NPEB4AC0BH3064302011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEB4AC1BH0536522011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IA)
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5NPEB4AC1BH1266782011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEB4AC1BH2125902011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MA)
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5NPEB4AC2BH0802762011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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5NPEB4AC2BH1900512011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
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5NPEB4AC2BH2984132011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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5NPEB4AC3BH0248642011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NPEB4AC3BH1815842011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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5NPEB4AC4BH0261062011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: KY)
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5NPEB4AC4BH1282152011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEB4AC4BH2319742011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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5NPEB4AC4BH3073852011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: KY)
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5NPEB4AC6BH0533102011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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5NPEB4AC6EH8145352014 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NPEB4AC6EH8347192014 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NPEB4AC8BH0202752011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
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5NPEB4AC8BH0224802011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WI)
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5NPEB4AC8BH1179312011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEB4AC8BH3082952011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
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5NPEB4AC9BH1490582011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPEB4AC9BH1884602011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPEB4AC9BH2513942011 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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5NPEB4ACXEH8454782014 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TN)
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5NPEC4AB0BH2156292011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
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5NPEC4AB1BH1726932011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: KY)
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5NPEC4AB1BH2964802011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WI)
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5NPEC4AB2BH3006962011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
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5NPEC4AB3BH1850872011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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5NPEC4AB3BH2194472011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
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5NPEC4AB4BH2224682011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IN)
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5NPEC4AB5BH2927242011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEC4AB6BH1923732011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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5NPEC4AB6BH2716412011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
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5NPEC4AB6BH3154752011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEC4AB7BH2695122011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPEC4AB9BH2061702011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IA)
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5NPEC4ABXBH1993912011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
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5NPEC4AC0BH0172402011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WI)
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5NPEC4AC0BH1255522011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IN)
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5NPEC4AC1BH0319692011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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5NPEC4AC1BH0742692011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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5NPEC4AC1BH1223222011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEC4AC1BH1227872011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEC4AC1BH1674682011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEC4AC2BH0456682011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2013 (Location: AR)
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5NPEC4AC2BH0871272011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
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5NPEC4AC2BH1046062011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CO)
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5NPEC4AC2BH1070532011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MA)
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5NPEC4AC2BH1290222011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEC4AC2BH1583432011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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5NPEC4AC2BH2311592011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: KY)
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5NPEC4AC2BH2689412011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
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5NPEC4AC3BH0874752011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPEC4AC3BH1333852011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MD)
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5NPEC4AC3BH2877082011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WI)
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5NPEC4AC4BH2630452011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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5NPEC4AC4BH3048862011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
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5NPEC4AC5BH1670672011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
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5NPEC4AC5BH2166862011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEC4AC6BH0317112011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: KY)
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5NPEC4AC6BH1299622011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: KY)
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5NPEC4AC7BH0041312011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WI)
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5NPEC4AC8BH0370422011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NPEC4AC8BH0610482011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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5NPEC4AC9BH1279152011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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5NPEC4AC9BH2787372011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEC4AC9BH3032332011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MA)
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5NPEC4ACXBH1323802011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MI)
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5NPEC4ACXBH1350052011 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEC4ACXEH9086872014 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NPET46C09H4483392009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MN)
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5NPET46C09H4538782009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C09H5154392009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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5NPET46C09H5531072009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: DE)
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5NPET46C19H4413972009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C19H4416742009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NPET46C19H4465352009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: KY)
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5NPET46C19H4784482009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
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5NPET46C19H4939222009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPET46C19H5034142009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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5NPET46C19H5117552009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
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5NPET46C19H5324752009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NPET46C19H5353272009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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5NPET46C19H5354562009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPET46C19H5511862009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C19H5597872009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NPET46C29H4537052009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPET46C29H4683652009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
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5NPET46C29H4817322009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: ID)
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5NPET46C29H5111202009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NPET46C29H5268462009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MN)
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5NPET46C29H5437442009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CO)
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5NPET46C29H5447162009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: RI)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C29H5586642009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPET46C39H4434602009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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5NPET46C39H5460372009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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5NPET46C49H4593612009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MD)
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5NPET46C49H5494782009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: RI)
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5NPET46C59H4074292009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C59H5584472009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C59H5753452009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MN)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C69H4188302009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C69H4290212009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TN)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C69H4569292009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPET46C69H4729702009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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5NPET46C69H5687612009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TN)
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5NPET46C79H4251242009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
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5NPET46C79H4348122009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
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5NPET46C79H4770312009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C79H5345062009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C79H5651422009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C89H4638172009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C89H5378352009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C99H5051702009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CO)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46C99H5217082009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46CX9H4169042009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: VA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46CX9H5385172009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46CX9H5500982009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPET46F19H4107602009 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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5NPET46F79H4482832009 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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5NPEU46C09H5747012009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU46C19H4389482009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU46C19H4839992009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IN)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU46C39H5747872009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU46C69H4253232009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU46C89H4236402009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU46C99H4383392009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU46C99H5082442009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU46F09H4603362009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU46F19H5075662009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU46F49H4425182009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU46F69H4380202009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5NPEU46FX9H5189992009 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZG3AB4BG0194572011 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZGDABXBG0323642011 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZGDABXBG0399002011 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CO)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZHDAG5BG0532272011 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2013 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZHDAG8BG0575322011 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZK3AB3BG0880872011 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZK3AB4BG0122782011 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: UT)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZKDAG9BG0060422011 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZT3LB5EG1527602014 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
5XYZT3LB6EG1452492014 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KM8JM12B49U1279942009 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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KM8JM12B59U0488042009 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NV)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JM12B69U1532852009 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PR)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JM12BX9U9960342009 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JN12B39U0343472009 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JN12D89U0013452009 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JN12DX9U9701582009 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MI)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JN72DX5U0623712005 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JN72DX5U1422842005 Hyundai TucsonOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JT3AB0BU2243902011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JT3AB5BU1930692011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JT3AB7BU1600902011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2013 (Location: WI)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3AC1BU2110552011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3AC2BU1758592011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3AC2BU1884172011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MD)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3AC6BU2310122011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3AC7BU2101362011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3AC8BU1738902011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JU3ACXBU1964092011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JUCAC0BU2432842011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JUCAC6BU3161732011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8JUCACXBU2403272011 HYUNDAI TUCSONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8NU13C29U0795202009 Hyundai VeracruzOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8NU13C69U0795222009 Hyundai VeracruzOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8NU13C79U0831432009 Hyundai VeracruzOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8NU13CX9U0799612009 Hyundai VeracruzOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8NU4CC3BU1404282011 Hyundai VeracruzOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SB12B04U6627132004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SB12B04U8175182004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SB12BX4U6097922004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SB12BX4U8348132004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC13D35U9520232005 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC13D45U8940662005 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC13D55U8904802005 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC13D74U6579882004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC13D75U9344772005 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: RI)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC13E04U6953452004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC13E14U5764592004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IN)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC13E24U8175432004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC13E54U6977712004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC13E74U7515242004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC73D24U6916152004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC73D64U6293752004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC73D94U7709742004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC73E14U6671672004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC73E64U6977342004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC73E74U7013682004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC73E74U8535232004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC73E94U8000292004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC73EX4U7008592004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NE)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SC73EX4U7835472004 HYUNDAI SANTA FEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KM8SM4HF3EU0449862014 Hyundai Santa FeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCG35C14U2941892004 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: DE)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCG35C64U2794452004 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCG35C75U3354602005 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCG35CX5U3563972005 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCG45C04U5170532004 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCG45C34U5009572004 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCG45C74U5290232004 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM36C09U1250192009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM36C39U1346362009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM36C59U1328412009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM36C79U1152812009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM36C89U1080472009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM36CX9U1195492009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM3AC4BU2019982011 Hyundai AccentOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: ME)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM3AC7BU1875322011 Hyundai AccentOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM46C59U2874922009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCM46C59U3051482009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCN46C09U3645422009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCN46C19U3188472009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCN46C39U2868072009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCN46C59U3784362009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCN46C89U2977682009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCN46C89U3411682009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCN46C89U3644962009 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MN)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCN4AC2BU6125622011 HYUNDAI ACCENTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCT4AE8EU6944712014 Hyundai AccentOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHCT5AE4EU1554812014 Hyundai AccentOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LH1EU2125852014 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LH2EU2122552014 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LH6EU2186392014 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHD35LH9EU2184732014 Hyundai Elantra GTOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDB8AE2BU1261622011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA TOURINGOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDB8AE4BU0873952011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA TOURINGOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDC86E69U0418092009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDC86E79U0423402009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDC8AE3BU1051692011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA TOURINGOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDC8AE5BU0961492011 HYUNDAI ELANTRA TOURINGOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE1BU0956722011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MD)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE1BU1034632011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE1BU1412092011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE2BU1381872011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE7BU1034182011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IN)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE7BU1337002011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE7BU1569612011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WI)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AE8BU1491002011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: KY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH4AEXBU1443662011 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH6AH4EU0262432014 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH6AH9EU0277582014 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDH6AHXEU0281092014 Hyundai ElantraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D05U0432982005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D14U9129882004 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D15U9349752005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D24U9133112004 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NE)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D35U0289732005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D44U7148572004 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D44U8586972004 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D45U0195712005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: VA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D45U0408562005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D45U0420872005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D45U0470802005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D45U9608092005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D54U7742122004 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D55U9930122005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D65U1580662005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: RI)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D65U9937802005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D85U0229122005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CT)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D85U1841182005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D85U9893882005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46D95U0428762005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46DX5U0391622005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46DX5U0871322005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46DX5U1560282005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN46DX5U9525052005 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN56D74U1031312004 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN56D74U1144532004 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN56D84U1102172004 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDN56DX4U1220932004 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: ME)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDU46D29U6241162009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NE)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDU46D39U6482322009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDU46D39U8103272009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDU46D49U6293792009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDU46D49U6509132009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDU46D49U6760242009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDU46D69U6390862009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDU46D79U8217522009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDU46D89U6307622009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDU46D89U7810972009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MD)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDU46D99U6031202009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDU46D99U6824032009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHDU46DX9U6414382009 HYUNDAI ELANTRAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHEC4A48BA0111502011 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHEC4A4XBA0126382011 Hyundai Sonata HybridOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFC46D39A3591402009 Hyundai AzeraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFC46D49A3607202009 Hyundai AzeraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFC46D79A3509882009 Hyundai AzeraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFC46D89A3587922009 Hyundai AzeraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFC46F39A3682272009 Hyundai AzeraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFC46F39A3714182009 Hyundai AzeraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFC46F99A3566502009 Hyundai AzeraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFC4DD7BA5393742011 Hyundai AzeraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OK)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFC4DF2BA5365592011 Hyundai AzeraOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E04A2800722004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E04A2953812004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: WI)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E04A3044042004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: MA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E04A3217192004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E04A3370152004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E04A3557112004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E14A3031162004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E14A3201432004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E14A3321802004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E24A2814032004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E24A2944602004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: KY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E24A2998842004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E24A3338412004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E24A3453122004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E24A3545272004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E34A2807452004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E34A2857212004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E34A2869172004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E34A2951162004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E34A3545052004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E34A3567242004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: VA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E44A3012632004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E44A3155352004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E44A3186622004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E44A3328222004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: MA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E44A3586272004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: MD)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E44A3649282004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E54A2993312004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E54A3037962004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E54A3199652004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2013 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E54A3270462004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: WA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E54A3334592004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E54A3378522004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E64A2788752004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: TN)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E64A2846612004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E64A2857622004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E64A3192772004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: VT)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E64A3251302004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: VA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E64A3277522004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: NV)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E64A3325462004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E64A3476622004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: MA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E64A3531402004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E64A3542072004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E74A2745922004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E74A3248442004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E74A3546362004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
KMHFU45E84A2837372004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
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KMHFU45E84A3541272004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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KMHFU45E84A3574502004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHFU45E84A3609292004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: LA)
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KMHFU45E94A2801522004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
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KMHFU45E94A3272582004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: IA)
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KMHFU45E94A3285862004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
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KMHFU45E94A3343722004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHFU45E94A3729582004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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KMHFU45EX4A2954702004 HYUNDAI XG350Online sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHGC46E19U0181052009 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
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KMHGC46E19U0333782009 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHGC46E29U0407922009 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NC)
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KMHGC46E29U0431912009 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: KS)
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KMHGC46E29U0585952009 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHGC46E49U0487642009 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHGC46E59U0392472009 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
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KMHGC46EX9U0251202009 Hyundai GenesisOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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KMHGC46F19U0418002009 HYUNDAI GENESISOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
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KMHGC46F69U0346952009 HYUNDAI GENESISOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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KMHGC46FX9U0682212009 HYUNDAI GENESISOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
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KMHGC4DE0BU1233102011 HYUNDAI GENESISOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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KMHGC4DF2BU1274022011 HYUNDAI GENESISOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHGC4DF5BU1326882011 HYUNDAI GENESISOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IN)
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KMHHM65D04U1364182004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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KMHHM65D24U1194572004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MO)
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KMHHM65D34U1333832004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHHM65D54U1221882004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MD)
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KMHHM65D54U1267122004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHHM65D54U1387462004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2013 (Location: SD)
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KMHHM65D54U1444342004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: KY)
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KMHHM65D64U1398902004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHHM65D74U1359622004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHHM65D74U1383892004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
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KMHHM65D84U1076982004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHHN65F04U1454732004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHHN65F14U1104392004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IN)
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KMHHN65F14U1132132004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHHN65F14U1444452004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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KMHHN65F15U1843022005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHHN65F24U1332132004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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KMHHN65F24U1520672004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TN)
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KMHHN65F34U1091772004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CO)
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KMHHN65F34U1143152004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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KMHHN65F34U1183332004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NV)
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KMHHN65F34U1350212004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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KMHHN65F35U1731862005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
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KMHHN65F35U1733822005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
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KMHHN65F44U1241392004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHHN65F44U1312702004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CT)
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KMHHN65F44U1377022004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TN)
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KMHHN65F44U1443912004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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KMHHN65F44U1448892004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHHN65F45U1841472005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
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KMHHN65F54U1088382004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WI)
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KMHHN65F54U1091332004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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KMHHN65F54U1152552004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CT)
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KMHHN65F54U1355402004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TN)
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KMHHN65F54U1387312004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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KMHHN65F55U1684122005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: VA)
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KMHHN65F64U1129012004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
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KMHHN65F64U1339742004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IN)
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KMHHN65F65U1854002005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NJ)
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KMHHN65F74U1284922004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NV)
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KMHHN65F74U1494692004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AR)
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KMHHN65F74U1536352004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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KMHHN65F75U1708392005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHHN65F75U1752162005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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KMHHN65F75U1863142005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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KMHHN65F84U1312412004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WI)
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KMHHN65F85U1585992005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHHN65F85U1823982005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHHN65F94U1213032004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WI)
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KMHHN65F94U1276212004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHHN65F95U1678312005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NY)
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KMHHN65FX4U1274652004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TN)
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KMHHN65FX4U1489012004 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: FL)
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KMHHN65FX5U1667222005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: VA)
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KMHHN65FX5U1701102005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHHN65FX5U1756322005 HYUNDAI TIBURONOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: GA)
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KMHHT6KD3EU1170152014 Hyundai Genesis CoupeOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHHT6KD9BU0449382011 HYUNDAI GENESIS COUPEOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHTC6AD8EU1867322014 Hyundai VelosterOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHWF25S04A9159122004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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KMHWF25S14A9718092004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: MD)
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KMHWF25S14A9864692004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2013 (Location: NA)
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KMHWF25S24A0334772004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: ME)
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KMHWF25S24A0964512004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: TX)
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KMHWF25S44A9313052004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHWF25S64A9598482004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHWF25S94A0334442004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHWF25S94A0576292004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHWF25S94A9542692004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHWF25S94A9644312004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: IL)
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KMHWF25SX4A0351542004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: VA)
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KMHWF25SX4A9824982004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: CA)
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KMHWF35H24A9662082004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: OH)
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KMHWF35H25A1442522005 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: ME)
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KMHWF35H54A0328522004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHWF35H54A0743902004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: SC)
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KMHWF35H75A1158152005 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: ME)
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KMHWF35H84A9116512004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHWF35H85A0954932005 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHWF35H85A1605842005 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: RI)
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KMHWF35H85A1948642005 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: WI)
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KMHWF35H94A9644722004 Hyundai SonataOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: PA)
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KMHWF35H95A1358552005 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHWF35HX5A0997862005 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: NA)
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KMHWF35HX5A1527592005 HYUNDAI SONATAOnline sale record found in 2014 (Location: AZ)
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09-4417 19-4441 29-4429 39-4435 49-4411 59-4438 69-4425 79-4435 89-4404 99-4425

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