The Free Vehicle Database

1B3EJ46X0XN6563251999 DODGE STRATUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EJ46X1YN1044012000 DODGE STRATUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EJ46X2VN5680961997 DODGE STRATUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OR) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EL36X04N1923072004 DODGE STRATUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EL36X54N1828902004 DODGE STRATUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EL36X54N2293662004 DODGE STRATUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EL36X73N5865772003 DODGE STRATUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EL36X84N3198542004 DODGE STRATUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EL46X16N1475942006 Dodge StratusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EL46X26N1057912006 Dodge StratusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EL46X36N2438082006 Dodge StratusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EL46X84N1746752004 DODGE STRATUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EL46X86N1701132006 Dodge StratusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EL46XX6N2019922006 Dodge StratusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NJ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EL56T44N1944732004 Dodge StratusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3EL66R95N6637152005 Dodge StratusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3ES46C31D2719322001 DODGE NEONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3ES46C4YD7165612000 DODGE NEONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3ES46C6YD6037922000 DODGE NEONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3ES46C8YD8120632000 DODGE NEONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3ES46C9YD5977452000 DODGE NEONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3ES47C4TD6708491996 Dodge NeonCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3ES56C44D6418932004 DODGE NEONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3ES56CX4D6037292004 DODGE NEONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B3ES66S43D2023172003 DODGE SRT-4Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OR) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B7HC16X61S2345392001 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: LA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B7HC16XXYS6267562000 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: LA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B7HC16Y9SS2475231995 Dodge Ram 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B7HF16Y11S7859772001 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B7HF16Y4VS3095521997 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OK) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1B7JF26YXSS2107851995 Dodge Ram 2500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1C6RD6KP9CS2537292012 RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1C6RD7MT8CS1616082012 RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HA16K45J6309822005 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HA16NX5J5822702005 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HA18246J1009772006 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HA18277S2225492007 Dodge Ram 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HA182X6S6853472006 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HA18P27J6051992007 Dodge Ram 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: SC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HU18256S5716662006 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HU18258J1445762008 Dodge Ram 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: DE) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HU18D24S7294752004 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HU18N06J2212812006 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HU18N53J6310222003 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HU18N65S1355322005 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HU18N83S1765472003 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HU18N96S5451142006 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HU18NX2J2213772002 Dodge Ram 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7HU18P17S2004362007 Dodge Ram 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CO) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7KS28C56J1439052006 DODGE RAM 2500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D7RV1GT4BS6913212011 RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D8GU28K37W6365062007 DODGE NITROCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D8GU58638W1289632008 Dodge NitroCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OR) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D8GU58677W7321742007 DODGE NITROCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1D8GU58K17W6135482007 DODGE NITROCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FADP3F25EL3185062014 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NJ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FADP3F25EL3259112014 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FADP3F26EL1834102014 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FADP3K20EL3376332014 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FADP3K23EL2193792014 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FADP3K25DL2799852013 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FADP3K25EL4036262014 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FADP3K27DL2399082013 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FADP3K28DL1590952013 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FADP3K2XDL1752512013 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP10P2XW1690541999 FORD ESCORTCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP13P3WW3249781998 Ford EscortCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP13P5WW2765931998 Ford EscortCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP24105G1707862005 FORD FIVE HUNDREDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP25175G1718842005 FORD FIVE HUNDREDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP251X5G1778252005 FORD FIVE HUNDREDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OH) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP26196G1764862006 FORD FIVE HUNDREDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP31N96W2577362006 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP34N37W1411992007 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: GA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP34N37W2536772007 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP34N67W1806132007 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP34N67W3304002007 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP34N77W1279702007 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP34N87W1156032007 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP6631XK1467311999 FORD CONTOURCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP66L1WK1900161998 FORD CONTOURCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAFP68G4YK1195112000 FORD CONTOURCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP27167G1235582007 Ford Five HundredCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP28136G1125462006 FORD FIVE HUNDREDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP31N56W1800502006 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP33N09W1470542009 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP33N48W1664322008 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP34N48W2043362008 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP34N67W3564242007 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP34N97W1991502007 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N18W1592732008 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N18W2292562008 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N28W2884622008 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N29W2020042009 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OH) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N38W1651382008 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N48W1213602008 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N49W2606782009 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N58W1068662008 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N58W1919042008 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N68W1135212008 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N68W2411892008 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N69W1679702009 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N89W2307762009 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N98W2244212008 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AK) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N98W2273042008 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AK) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35N99W2692942009 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP35NX9W1859062009 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP36N07W1937832007 FORD FOCUS WAGONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP36N09W2181352009 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP36N39W1257102009 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3ENXAW2557782010 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3F20CL4226742012 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CO) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3F23CL3526702012 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3FN2BW1583642011 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3FN7AW2826622010 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3GN2AW1251972010 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3GN3AW1300982010 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3GN8BW1249312011 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3H22CL1903962012 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3H23CL1603072012 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3H24CL4164992012 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3K20CL4720752012 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: PA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3K26CL1856632012 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3K27CL1974032012 Ford FocusCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OK) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAHP3N25CL2742472012 FORD FOCUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OR) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FALP10P7VW3724871997 Ford EscortCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FALP13P1VW2353801997 FORD ESCORTCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FALP13P2VW3017911997 FORD ESCORTCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FALP13P5VW3720941997 FORD ESCORTCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FAPP9595LW1698161990 Ford EscortCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FARP15J0RW2964061994 FORD ESCORT WAGONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: RI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FBNE3BL8CDA322752012 Ford E-Series WagonCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FBSS31L3XHC094381999 FORD ECONOLINECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FBSS3BL4CDB134462012 FORD E-SERIES WAGONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: PA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FD8W3HT1CEA127302012 Ford F-350 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FDNF21L11EC059482001 Ford F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FDNX20F41EC703202001 Ford F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FDSS34P39DA672842009 Ford E-Series VanCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FDWE35LX7DA787532007 Ford E-Series VanCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FDWF36519EA257422009 Ford F-350 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FDWF37P35EC319632005 Ford F-350 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FDWW3HR5AEA599462010 Ford F-350 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FDWX37P45EC483472005 FORD F-350 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FDXF46F11ED282222001 Ford F-450 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: LA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FDXW47P96EC346672006 FORD F-450 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FM5K7D88DGC571512013 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FM5K7F86DGA556812013 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FM5K8F83EGB120712014 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCA11UXTZB820441996 Ford AerostarCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: GA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU03152KB375112002 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU04112KA325582002 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU04165KA480952005 Ford EscapeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU0D70CKA832472012 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU0D72AKA429382010 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU0D78AKB423642010 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU0DG4BKB859252011 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU0DG6AKC436762010 Ford EscapeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU0DG8BKC021302011 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU0EG5CKA419632012 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU0EG9AKC251062010 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU0F74DUC669312013 Ford EscapeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU0GX5EUA817242014 Ford EscapeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU0H9XDUD394272013 Ford EscapeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU22XXPUB487921993 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU93113KA626212003 Ford EscapeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU93186KC258832006 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU93Z28KA208302008 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU94103KD404692003 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU9D73CKC098472012 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU9D75CKB546422012 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU9EG9AKB607942010 Ford EscapeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU9GXXDUA424842013 Ford EscapeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OH) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU9GXXEUB094422014 Ford EscapeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AR) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMCU9HX2DUA945312013 Ford EscapeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMDU32E5VZC301461997 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMDU32X5TZB520451996 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMDU32XXSZB975141995 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMDU34E4VUA60151997 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMDU34E7XZA981211999 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMDU34X0RUA632751994 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMDU34X4PUD277421993 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMDU34X5PUA605801993 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMDU35P9TUC823851996 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMDU63W14ZB026862004 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMDU74E6YZA762332000 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMDU75W14ZA495722004 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NH) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMDU75WX5UB287232005 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMEU176XVLC253891997 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OH) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMEU17W23LA914262003 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMEU63E29UA297162009 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMEU63EX8UA940052008 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMEU64E76ZA161172006 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMEU6DE9AUA669612010 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMEU73E18UB054632008 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NJ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMEU74E17UA692542007 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMEU74E97UA629082007 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMEU74EX6UB393332006 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMEU7DE3AUA944992010 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMFU15556LA457372006 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMFU16567LA614622007 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: SC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMFU18515LA628362005 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMFU18586LA941212006 Ford ExpeditionCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMFU185X6LA021662006 Ford ExpeditionCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMFU18L03LB180652003 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OH) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMJU2A55AEA347112010 Ford ExpeditionCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU14W54LA504642004 Ford ExpeditionCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU15556LA767792006 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU15585LA817642005 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU155X6LB004002006 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU16595LA815282005 Ford ExpeditionCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU16L3YLA696702000 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU16L41LA915682001 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU16L82LA088102002 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU16L8YLC219752000 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU17L04LB503272004 Ford ExpeditionCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU17L54LB095322004 Ford ExpeditionCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU17LX4LB864312004 Ford ExpeditionCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU18L14LB052792004 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU18L5XLA032761999 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU18L6XLC142751999 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU18L7YLA406992000 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMPU18L83LA858372003 Ford ExpeditionCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMRE11L4YHA335352000 FORD ECONOLINE WAGONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMRE11WX3HB009032003 FORD E-SERIES WAGONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMRU15L8YLB723352000 Ford ExpeditionCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMRU15W72LA883462002 Ford ExpeditionCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMRU15WX1LB489122001 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMRU1769YLA142852000 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMRU17L7WLB689821998 FORD EXPEDITIONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMRU17W14LA528802004 Ford ExpeditionCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU01101KA456342001 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU02Z27KB891032007 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OR) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU02Z37KA363572007 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU03143KD988152003 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU03155KA482252005 Ford EscapeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU03155KA656242005 Ford EscapeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU03183KD901042003 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU04141KD976582001 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU04142KD104102002 Ford EscapeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU22E7WUB335111998 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU22X1WUC171151998 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU60E73UB883362003 FORD EXPLORER SPORTCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU70E12UB436862002 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU921X3KC353202003 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: PA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU92Z15KC436992005 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU93125KA971442005 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU93145DA111572005 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU93185KA060232005 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NE) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU93194KB220402004 FORD ESCAPECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMYU96H86KB895322006 Ford Escape HybridCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU32E2WUA691311998 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OH) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU32X2WUB810421998 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU34E2XZB860631999 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OR) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU34E7WZA598901998 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NJ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU62K24UA649192004 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU62K53ZB386602003 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU63E4YZB562272000 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU63E72ZB843672002 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU63EXYZA142062000 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU63K35UB194572005 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU63K63UC671462003 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU64EXYZB297122000 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU67E52UD160812002 FORD EXPLORER SPORT TRACCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OH) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU67E52UD710642002 FORD EXPLORER SPORT TRACCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU67E73UA398722003 FORD EXPLORER SPORT TRACCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AR) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU70E02UD226762002 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: ID) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU72E62ZB858732002 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: PA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU72K33ZB529662003 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU72K65ZA587762005 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU72KX2ZC551402002 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU72X0YZB630682000 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU73E12UB777392002 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU73E52ZA293852002 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OR) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU73E62ZA836172002 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU73E84UC055412004 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: RI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU73E85UA108472005 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU73E92ZA680272002 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU73EX2ZA604682002 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU73K04ZA557392004 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU73K25UB333382005 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU73K62ZC553132002 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU73K64UB010402004 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NJ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU73K64UC371182004 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU73K94ZB190172004 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU74E71ZA435752001 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU74EXYZA825742000 FORD EXPLORERCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU75E82ZA186982002 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU75E91ZA258982001 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU77E42UB757222002 FORD EXPLORER SPORT TRACCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FMZU83K43UC165942003 Ford ExplorerCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FT7W2B62CEA198002012 Ford F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FT7W2BT3CEB008442012 FORD F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FT7W2BT9BEA736022011 Ford F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FT7W2BTXBEC280922011 Ford F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FT8W3BT1BEB381282011 FORD F-350 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTDF15HXKNB673771989 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTDF15N7MPA728541991 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTDF17W5VKA595561997 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTDX1767VNA224721997 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTDX18W0VKB901631997 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTEE14YXSHA114751995 Ford EconolineCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTEF15N7TNA220511996 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTEF15N9SNB463221995 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTEF15Y9RNA631231994 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: PA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTEW1CM7BFC625602011 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTEW1E88AFB248022010 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTEX14N7RKB247171994 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTEX15HXTKA396621996 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTEX15N2PKB453901993 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTEX1E8XAFB815472010 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTFW1CF4DFC390352013 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTFW1CF9DFB518732013 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTFW1CV6AFA523342010 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTFW1EF1BFB584242011 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OK) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTFW1ET1CKD053382012 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTFW1ET5CFB942222012 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTFW1ET5DKF727262013 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTFX1EF5BFC264772011 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTFX1EV7AKE184502010 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTHX26F8SKB340871995 Ford F-250Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: PA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTMF1CM4CFB681162012 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNE14W39DA598052009 FORD E-SERIES VANCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNE1EW8CDA980242012 Ford E-Series VanCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNE24241HA823642001 FORD ECONOLINECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNE24252HB357982002 FORD ECONOLINECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OH) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNE24292HA536232002 FORD ECONOLINECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNE24293HB606732003 Ford E-Series VanCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNE24W15HA038722005 FORD E-SERIES VANCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNE24W98DA538212008 Ford E-Series VanCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: GA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNE2EW2EDA840772014 Ford E-Series VanCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: GA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNE2EW9ADA727452010 Ford E-Series VanCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: PA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNF20L81EC907142001 FORD F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNF21586ED515042006 FORD F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNF21L4XEC046591999 FORD F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNS24WX7DA698082007 FORD E-SERIES VANCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNW21F9YED763742000 Ford F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AK) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNW21L34EC891202004 FORD F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNW21P33EB365622003 FORD F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNX20F2XEE588161999 Ford F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NJ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNX20F42EB772852002 FORD F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNX21F32EC625982002 Ford F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTNX21L24ED186532004 Ford F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPW12536FA441692006 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPW12558KB626992008 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPW12565KE965742005 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPW12595KB718992005 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPW12V08KB220592008 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPW12V19FA045472009 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: SC) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPW12V57KC449642007 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPW12V97KB225272007 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPW14504KB842452004 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPW14514KB975232004 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPW14526KB620692006 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPW14534KA591122004 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: LA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPW145X5KF132752005 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPX12545FB760932005 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPX12595NA304722005 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPX12V46NB893532006 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AR) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPX14545NB394972005 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPX14555FA579832005 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPX14584NC563672004 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTPX145X6FA948532006 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRE14W84HA712112004 FORD E-SERIES VANCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRF12225NB725522005 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRF12226NB416912006 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRF12227NA824202007 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRF12228KB436862008 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRF12258KC283922008 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRF12268KE925582008 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRF12278KD944622008 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRF122X5NB828302005 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRF122X8KE978612008 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OK) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRF14W55NA566652005 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRF17253NA746372003 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AR) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRF18W1YNA686962000 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW07372KC966472002 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW07393KC501732003 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: RI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW07623KD556472003 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW07663KB283642003 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW07672KB720812002 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW08L01KD502992001 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW08L32KB479432002 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW08L53KC471692003 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW08L63KA478402003 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW08L63KC234802003 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW08L82KC028382002 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW12W58FB186642008 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW12W75KD797652005 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRW14W44KB875852004 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX07W83KB636802003 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX12W04NC581512004 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX12W24NC289562004 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX12W44NA669602004 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX12W67FA494292007 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX14W08FC088022008 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX14W18FC317162008 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX14W47FA310102007 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: LA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX14W58FA697832008 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX14W95NA677772005 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AK) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX17273NB684972003 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX17293NB424522003 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX17W6YKA821872000 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX18L03NA300472003 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTRX18W33NB662942003 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTSE34L79DA016982009 FORD E-SERIES VANCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTSE3EL5CDA464182012 Ford E-Series VanCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTSW20P57EB502772007 FORD F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTSW21P37EB408152007 FORD F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTSW21P85EA608582005 FORD F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AR) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTSW21P86EA008552006 FORD F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTSW31S0YEA502432000 FORD F-350 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AK) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTSX20PX6ED247442006 Ford F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTSX20R28EC097232008 FORD F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTWW31P56ED801152006 FORD F-350 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTWW33R48EA063712008 FORD F-350 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTZF1722XNA363191999 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OH) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTZX1721YKA500032000 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTZX172XYNB345282000 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTZX1764WKB812021998 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTZX1764WNA558111998 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
1FTZX17WXWKB895631998 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2B7KB31Z0KK3801221989 Dodge Ram VanCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: OR) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2D4FV47T78H2453262008 DODGE MAGNUMCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2D4FV48T65H5352302005 DODGE MAGNUMCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FABP74F8JX2185801988 Ford Crown VictoriaCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FABP7EV9BX1773522011 FORD CROWN VICTORIACritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FAFP71W93X1201032003 FORD CROWN VICTORIACritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FAFP74W55X1061022005 FORD CROWN VICTORIACritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FALP74W4VX1245141997 FORD CROWN VICTORIACritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FALP74W7TX1952211996 FORD CROWN VICTORIACritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: DE) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FMDK36C28BA388352008 Ford EdgeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FMDK38C17BA753682007 FORD EDGECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FMDK38C28BB365832008 FORD EDGECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FMDK38C47BB664732007 FORD EDGECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FMDK3JC2DBA071342013 FORD EDGECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FMDK3KC2ABA285892010 FORD EDGECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FMDK3KC5ABA863872010 FORD EDGECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FMDK4KC9BBB236882011 Ford EdgeCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FMGK5CC9BBD174622011 FORD FLEXCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FMHK6C83DBD128782013 Ford FlexCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FTHF26H4MCA005131991 Ford F-250Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FTRF07203CA723572003 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FTRF17214CA198982004 FORD F-150 HERITAGECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: GA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FTRF17234CA495962004 FORD F-150 HERITAGECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FTRX17W43CA060892003 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FTRX18L23CA291332003 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FTRX18W1XCA018251999 FORD F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FTRX18WX4CA320792004 FORD F-150 HERITAGECritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: PA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
2FTZF1826WCA108571998 Ford F-150Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B3ES47C6XT5252151999 Dodge NeonCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B3ES67C7ST6045911995 Dodge NeonCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B7HC12Y9WM2792631998 Dodge Ram 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B7HC13Y01G7653842001 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B7HC13Y0TG1226791996 Dodge Ram 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B7HC13Y7VG7542431997 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B7HC13Y91G7476582001 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B7HC13Y9YG1557842000 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B7HC13Z3YG1304222000 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B7HF13ZXYG1300672000 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: VA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B7KF23602M2973372002 DODGE RAM 2500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B7KF23652M2600872002 DODGE RAM 2500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B7KF23652M2922802002 DODGE RAM 2500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3B7MF33W1TM1940071996 Dodge Ram 3500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3C3CFFAR9DT7421772013 Fiat 500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3C4PDCAB1ET2648582014 Dodge JourneyCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3C4PDDBG6CT3004272012 DODGE JOURNEYCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3C6JD6CT8CG2781192012 RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3D73M4HL0BG5581832011 RAM 3500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3D7HA18N42G1089102002 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3D7HA18ZX2G1941452002 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3D7KA28C54G2488032004 Dodge Ram 2500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3D7KA28DX3G7636742003 DODGE RAM 2500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: KS) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3D7KS19D46G2742452006 DODGE RAM 1500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: UT) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3D7KS28AX8G1474352008 DODGE RAM 2500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MD) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3D7LA38C34G1675352004 DODGE RAM 3500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3D7MA48C33G8470412003 Dodge Ram 3500Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FADP4AJ2EM2410152014 Ford FiestaCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FADP4AJ8EM1863922014 Ford FiestaCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FADP4BJ1BM2025102011 FORD FIESTACritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FADP4BJ4DM1987802013 Ford FiestaCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: NY) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FADP4BJ4DM2054362013 Ford FiestaCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FADP4BJ7DM2001652013 Ford FiestaCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FADP4CJ7BM2101252011 FORD FIESTACritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FADP4EJ2DM2251292013 Ford FiestaCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FADP4EJ4EM2034252014 Ford FiestaCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: ID) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FADP4FJ5BM1863402011 FORD FIESTACritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TX) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FAFP11321R2184842001 FORD ZX2Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AK) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FAFP11373R1545572003 FORD ZX2Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FAFP11393R1584642003 FORD ZX2Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: TN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FAFP113X2R1478612002 FORD ZX2Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WV) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FAFP13P32R1075082002 Ford ZX2Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: AZ) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FAKP1131YR1903012000 FORD ESCORTCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FALP1134WR1160161998 FORD ESCORTCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: WI) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FALP15P9VR1013451997 FORD ESCORT WAGONCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: MN) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FRWX65F75V1921222005 Ford F-650Critical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: IL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
3FTNX21F8YMA721702000 FORD F-250 SDCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: LA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
4B3AG42G03E1207622003 DODGE STRATUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CA) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
4B3AG42G03E1581192003 DODGE STRATUSCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: CO) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
YH4K12AA1CA0004112012 Fisker KarmaCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
ZFBCFADH5EZ0201232014 Fiat 500LCritical salvage record found in 2015 (Location: FL) Check the full VinAudit vehicle history report
09-4417 19-4441 29-4429 39-4435 49-4411 59-4438 69-4425 79-4435 89-4404 99-4425

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